The Questing Soul vs Being Human
It is said that during their 60–65 incarnations, each soul is charged with experiencing a wide variety of human traits to feed back to the Source. Once completed, the soul can ‘go home’ and merge back with the Source.
These experiences may mean lifetimes as a humanitarian, a philanthropist, a slave, a thief, a dictator, or a murderer. Or the experiences may reflect extremes of human behaviour like being so hung up on power that they feel compelled to bully, or having a heart full of avarice. Consider the 10 commandments and all variations thereof.
Whatever lessons are to be experienced, they will cover the full spectrum. There is an initial period of denial of what is really in the human heart in order to fit in with society. The denial conveys an element of discord to those who relate to this human and interactions do not run smoothly, even if the ‘decent person’ is the persona being played out; something doesn’t feel right.
When said human shifts into alignment with what’s in their heart and soul (for the heart contains the essence of the souls’ desire to experience), and stops hiding who they really are, a big outward effect occurs.
This alignment has the effect of conveying correct-ness to all who come into contact with said human. They easily draw people to them, whether their message is termed good or bad. The power of said humans’ conviction grows, and along with it their souls’ ability to gather experiences increases.
The dynamic of said humans’ relationships shift to encompass extremes of behaviour, all the while siphoning juicy experiences back to Source.
· The main challenge in the growth of soul desire is to marry the pursuit of extremes with the experience of being human.
· Extremes exist in only a small percentage of the human population.
· Humans choose whether to remain in the tribe or to strike out alone in pursuit of extremes.
Humans who pursue extremes of any kind act as disruptors within society; they effect change in the world by creating strong reactions in others. They indulge in avoiding constraint of heart and soul in exchange for stronger experiences and greater impact, having little to no regard for the effect upon their fellow humans.
The bulk of humanity must accept that there will always be people who live and express through extremes, just as they must accept that it’s a lonely path that is not widely tolerated.
Angela Jayne Delglyn