How does your Soul speak to you?
A huge push to change direction, make some radical change to life, with no rhyme or reason is perhaps the best known way the soul speaks. The soul can really push when it needs you to pursue a certain direction that will achieve very specific outcomes, but it doesn’t deal with the details; that privilege is a part of being human. But as the soul pushes, so the goal pulls, and inevitably, if we do trust in this mysterious direction, we will somehow find the way.
This push to change direction has happened twice to me; the first time was like a deep longing/sensing to move without knowing where; it took some two years before the move became manifest, yet I never doubted that it was something I had to follow up on, without knowing any of the details. The second time it came around, I recognised the feeling and asked for clarity; then it was just a matter of time to arrange things before action followed.
Another way the soul speaks is through the physical form. It can communicate through physical symptoms that are programmed into our being via the karmic patterns we’ve chosen to work through. For each energetic set we have chosen to work through there will be key physical issues to look out for, and these can be discovered via the Soul Contract.
The particular body part being affected can become itchy, painful or problematic in response to certain energies we are holding onto OR specific incoming future frequencies that we are going to encounter — a sort of early-warning system; this energy could translate to the emotion of anger for instance. Both types can be somewhat confusing to the unsuspecting human without prior knowledge, but with enough observation it is possible to work with this type of communication and respond accordingly, although it takes practice.
The third way I’ve observed the Soul’s communication is when I fail to operate optimally for my particular physical design in order to maintain the body as a viable communication channel. Over the years, I’ve worked out what seems best for my particular form, but if I put off what my body needs, delay it for whatever reason, my soul gets increasingly agitated, probably because I should know better by now! Perhaps this is simply a matter of respect to the relationship between the human will and the desire of the soul, and a balance needs to be struck for harmony to reign.
On the surface, these signals might seem relatively obvious, but to the inexperienced these signals are yet more things to be learned that support the way we navigate towards the door to our Real Life and beyond. The more we pay heed to these signals and respond accordingly, the less friction we create within ourselves, making the journey easier.