How can we find peace within?

Angela Delglyn
4 min readApr 5, 2020


starry night over water, finding peace within, angela delglyn

Every moment of every day, people make choices from reasoning known only to them, in that moment of time. Therefore we have no right to judge another; we have no knowledge of their reasoning; we only know ourselves in this moment of time — in this now. We don’t even remember ourselves clearly from one year ago, for we are constantly changing and adapting organisms.

We do, however, cling to certain beliefs that have the ability to carry us forward when we perceive conditions seem to be difficult or dire. I myself have recently exposed a long-held belief that’s helped to propel me forward through times where I’ve felt the need to be strong and withstand long periods of time without support. That belief gave me a reason to keep going. If I’d not held onto that belief, I might have given up long ago.

So remembering there’s always a reason for whatever decisions and actions people make and take, reminds us to treat others with kindness and accept their choices. We expect in the free world to make our own choices and decisions so why not others?

Kindness and compassion have not always been in vogue. Judging others serves no purpose; bullying others into changing what we plainly see serves no purpose. Real change occurs only when people understand why they should change; no one changes without question.

We now live in a time of significant change that many have never seen the likes of before, and this calls for deep introspection about what we believe in, what we value and what we will stand up for. What we value will help us decide who we stand next to; what stand for. What we believe in will support us in how we go forward, the kind of choices we make.

For myself, I am struck by the words Humility and Acceptance, highlighted to me by a much-loved uncle before his passing. Many times over the last 30 years have these words have come to mind to help me resolve situations I was facing; only now do I fully comprehend why they have such significance for me.

Humility and Acceptance form the bedrock of us as human beings. With humility, we remember that we can never know what it’s like to walk in another’s shoes. But we can accept our own foibles, our own uniqueness, and accept that everybody else has theirs too. We must allow others to be the person they have chosen to be at this time; we have no idea where they are on their trajectory, and they will choose how much they want to progress (or not) in this lifetime. It’s not up to us to decide how another should conduct their life; we have no right to judge.

I feel today as if we are reaching a major milestone in the world, and whilst I understand certain astrological shifts are occurring that will reportedly have great impact upon us all for years to come, it remains to be seen how well people respond to their own introspection and values before any external circumstances force them to reassess how they live.

One thing I have noticed of late is that how frequently I’ve had to check in with myself about assumptions I’ve made to ask ‘how do you know that’s correct or true? Do you know for sure?’ So I’m checking in on my observations to see whether I’m making an assumption on an old belief or whether I’m responding to a fact/something known.

When we stand in front of the mirror and see ourselves being reflected back, we only see what we want to see. When someone else stands before us, they see all that is presented, whether we like it or not. Others subconsciously feel and respond to what we are emanating.

And this is why people like me offer a service that helps you see what you yourself cannot see, to help you understand what is not immediately obvious and to understand the truth of whom you are.

With this clarity, you’re able to find a peace; it may not be an easy peace at first whilst the impact of what you’ve learned comes to settle, but within a short space of time, as you sit with the understanding, you will feel the humility of what it is to truly accept yourself.

And from that place of non-judgment, you can start to take steps, not just in the direction you want to go, but with the values in place that really embody your truth and what you’re here for. This is the purpose you’ve always longed to feel, and this brings the peace you’ve been seeking.



Angela Delglyn
Angela Delglyn

Written by Angela Delglyn

Building resilience and strong foundations using Human Design, energy clearing and life experience...

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