Aligning with the NOW
I’ve never met anyone who’s stepped straight into their Real Life from birth; most of us have an energetic blueprint with a load of beliefs and conditioning piled on top. From that we cobble together a persona based on what we think is the real person … BUT ITS NOT! It’s just the first version. A mock up!
A mock up is really a trial run. It gets you used to the ropes of what society thinks it is to be human. And this is the important part here; the beliefs and conditioning we align ourselves with feed into society, as well as our immediate environment.
But here’s the thing; that society that we thought was a solid, reliable structure is now changing radically leaving us all with a feeling of uncertainty. The rug is slowly being pulled from under our feet and doubt is creeping into our very existence. What will be we standing on in a few years time? What can we do for ourselves now?
Well, if we invest in finding out about our own blueprint, our own trajectory for this life, our own truth, then we will be equipped with a good foundation to deal with these new and uncertain times that we find ourselves in.
Preparing for the next phase of life means owning your identity, no matter the cost. Overcoming the fear of leaving the tribe, overcoming the need for safety and security coming from outside, and instead owning your own power and being sovereign in your own life. Time to grow up!
Resilience can’t be bought, it must be built. It’s an intention we subscribe to and continue to build on because we want to build our own sovereignty. The mental transition to this state is often our biggest challenge as we have to admit to retaining childhood desires to be looked after, rescued, loved without question, liked etc. Leaving these natural desires behind is simply a part of growing up, accepting who we are, what is and what can be, if we so choose.
So, aside from reinstating and aligning with our original blueprint, the other thing that is incredibly helpful in dealing with these changing times is to learn and continually practicing living in the NOW. Yes, Eckhart Tolle talks about this a lot, but just reading a book or two isn’t enough; it’s action that counts.
Living in your NOW is about getting used to responding from your own truth and integrity in each moment, to any situation you find yourself in, habitually. It can feel tiring, like concentrating all of time does at first, but before you know it, you have developed a new habit and it becomes effortless. Give it a go and see for yourself.
So when you have done all of these things and you turn and look back at how far you’ve come you will see that your life is looking very different from what it was one or two years ago. Wouldn’t you like to experience stepping into your new empowered, confident Real Life?